Family Law Updates

703, 2014

Minnesota Divorce and Spousal Maintenance

March 7, 2014|

In Minnesota Divorce cases, Spousal Maintenance (also referred to as "Alimony") is a topic that is often misunderstood, frequently litigated at the District Court level, and is often appealed to the Minnesota Court Of Appeals.  Spousal Maintenance, unlike Child Support, does not provide the parties with a basic formula to [...]

1401, 2014

The Minnesota Family Court Process

January 14, 2014|

Throughout Minnesota, Family Court provides an opportunity for parties to resolve legal issues that involve important matters such as Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Parenting Time, Property Division and Spousal Maintenance.  For most people, Family Court can be overwhelming and intimidating; there are numerous Family Law rules and procedures, and [...]

1212, 2013

Mediation in Minnesota Parenting Time Disputes

December 12, 2013|

Mediation is commonly used in Minnesota to resolve disputes related to parenting time, including issues regarding the adjustment of an existing parenting time schedule, changes to the primary residence of a child (or children), vacations, holidays, birthdays, summer vacation schedules, extracurricular activities and parenting time when a parent relocates to [...]

1911, 2013

Child Custody Evaluations in Minnesota Family Court

November 19, 2013|

In some Minnesota Divorce and Family Law cases, a Child Custody Evaluation (conducted by Court Services or by a private evaluator such as a Social Worker, Psychologist, Therapist or an experienced legal professional) can aid the Judge in making a custody determination that is in the best interests of the [...]

1211, 2013

Minnesota Divorce – Top Property Division Issues

November 12, 2013|

In Minnesota Divorce cases, the division of assets and debts is a process that requires great attention to detail; the division of assets during divorce does not need to be mathematically equal, and you are not necessarily entitled, under Minnesota law, to one-half of the marital assets.  In many Divorce [...]

2709, 2013

Child Custody – Best Interest Factors – Minnesota

September 27, 2013|

In Minnesota divorce and family law cases, evaluating child custody, at times, can be a very complex process.  Minnesota Courts use the child's best interests as the guiding principle when determining child custody (there are 13 different statutory best interest factors and 1 case law imposed best interest factor, which [...]

1709, 2013

Top Minnesota Divorce Issue – Tracing Non-Marital Property

September 17, 2013|

It is quite common for one spouse to own assets or property (Real Estate, Retirement Account, Pension, Investment Account, etc.) that is non-marital, either in part, or in whole.  If an asset is both marital and non-marital, it is generally necessary to perform a non-marital tracing of the asset, performed [...]

1109, 2013

Top Reasons To Use An Actuary in a Minnesota Divorce

September 11, 2013|

In a Minnesota Divorce case, the most frequent reasons to use an Actuary are 1) to determine the present value calculation of an asset, such as a pension; 2) to perform calculations related to non-marital claims, and 3) to run financial projections and scenarios based on risk and other assumptions.  [...]

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We represent clients throughout the Minneapolis area in Divorce, Financial Issues, Child Custody, Child Support, Parenting Time, Property and Asset Division, Spousal Maintenance and more!

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