Family Law Updates

401, 2024

Tax Consequences of Divorce – A Summary of Issues

January 4, 2024|

Divorce naturally brings many changes, particularly financial ones. Many of these financial changes can impact your tax liability, so it is important to keep certain factors in mind when going through a divorce or family change. The financial changes, along with all the other complicated pieces involved in divorce, are [...]

2611, 2023

The Essentials of Marital vs. Non-Marital Property

November 26, 2023|

Minnesota recognizes two categories of property: martial and non-marital. The categories are relevant in determining which spouse is awarded what property in a dissolution proceeding. Marital property can include real or personal property that was acquired by either spouse or both during the existence of their marriage. The cutoff date [...]

2511, 2023

Navigating Child Custody in Minnesota: Unraveling the myth of 50/50 custody

November 25, 2023|

Child custody battles are emotionally charged and complex, often requiring a nuanced understanding of legal terminologies. In Minnesota, custody is divided into two primary categories: physical custody and legal custody. These distinctions play a crucial role in the responsibilities of each parent and the overall well-being of the child. Physical [...]

211, 2023

Congratulations to Claire Paulsen on her law clerk job with Judge Paul Scoggin!

November 2, 2023|

Claire Paulsen worked as a Student Attorney at Lake Harriet Law Office during her 2L year of law school.  Claire graduated from the University of Minnesota Law School in May, 2023.  Prior to attending law school, she attended Minnesota State University, Mankato where she earned her Bachelor's of Science Degree [...]

709, 2023

Lake Harriet Law Welcomes New Student Attorneys

September 7, 2023|

Lake Harriet Law proudly welcomes student attorneys Brianna Attamante, Brooke Meister and Abi Rud. Brianna is a second-year law student at the University of Minnesota Law School.  Before attending law school, she graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Arts in History.  At Minnesota Law, Brianna is an active [...]

908, 2023

Introduction to Financial Abuse

August 9, 2023|

Domestic abuse is very common in intimate relationships—in Minnesota, approximately 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men report experiencing intimate partner violence or stalking during their lifetimes, and real numbers are likely much higher.[1] Domestic abuse statistics are often underreported, partly because victims and survivors of abuse may [...]

708, 2023

Navigating Joint Custody in Minnesota

August 7, 2023|

When it comes to determining joint custody of a child, the legal landscape can vary significantly from one state to another. In Minnesota, the primary focus remains on the best interests of the child. However, specific laws, standards, and procedures within the legal field can impact how joint custody is [...]

1807, 2023

Congratulations to the 2023 Law School Graduates!

July 18, 2023|

Congratulations to former Lake Harriet Law student attorneys Lottie James, Claire Paulsen, Julia Kasbohm (University of Minnesota Law School) and Sophi Gorman (Mitchell Hamline School of Law) on their recent law school graduations!  We appreciate their exceptional dedication and contributions and wish them the very best in their legal careers [...]

1807, 2023

Daphne Karofsky joins Lake Harriet Law as a Student Attorney

July 18, 2023|

Student Attorney, Daphne Karofsky, is a second-year law student at the University of Saint Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis completing her Juris Doctor degree. Prior to law school, Daphne attended the University of Arizona where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Development with a [...]

2303, 2023

Common Financial Issues in High-Net-Worth Divorces

March 23, 2023|

When a married couple has assets with substantial value, the division and valuation of marital property during a divorce can be complicated.  In many cases, asset buckets have different tax consequences, and some assets are more liquid than others.  Coupled with market volatility, the process requires substantial financial acumen and [...]

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We represent clients throughout the Minneapolis area in Divorce, Financial Issues, Child Custody, Child Support, Parenting Time, Property and Asset Division, Spousal Maintenance and more!

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