Family Law Updates

2401, 2018

College Savings Tips for Divorced Parents

January 24, 2018|

If you are the divorced parent of a college-age student, it is a good time to work with your ex-spouse when it comes to finances. Regardless of your history together, your child’s future comes first. These three tips will help you navigate some of the most important college investment choices [...]

1001, 2018

Spousal Maintenance, Retirement and an Obligation to Work

January 10, 2018|

This blog will cover two topics. The first topic is the question of what happens if the payor of spousal maintenance retires? The second topic is a question about whether or not a recipient of spousal maintenance has an obligation to work to try to increase his or her income. [...]

801, 2018

Top Minnesota Divorce Issues – Spousal Maintenance and Income Imputation

January 8, 2018|

During a Minnesota divorce proceeding, the Court may order that one spouse pay spousal maintenance to the other spouse.  An award of spousal maintenance is based upon need, and the primary reason for spousal maintenance is to provide cash flow to a spouse in order to approximate the marital standard [...]

501, 2018

Minnesota Divorce and Property Division – Equitable vs. Equal.

January 5, 2018|

Equitable does not necessarily mean equal (check Black's Law Dictionary).  In Minnesota Divorce cases, the division of Assets and Debts does not need to be mathematically equal, and you are not entitled, under Minnesota law, to "exactly half ."  Minnesota Statute 518.58, subd. 1, states that the District Court is required [...]

2912, 2017

Enforceability of Mediated Settlements

December 29, 2017|

Many people wonder (including attorneys and mediators), are mediated settlement agreements enforceable? Well, that depends on the situation. In a recent case, Tornstrom v. Tornstrom, 887 N.W.2d 680 (Minn. Ct. App. 2016) the court determined that a mediated settlement agreement was enforceable. Again, in an unpublished case, Burke v. Burke, [...]

1512, 2017

Top Family Law Issues -Third Party Custody in Minnesota

December 15, 2017|

There are a variety of reasons why a child may be in the custody of a third party and not with their parents. This blog will focus on why and how a third party might get custody or visitation rights under Minnesota law. In 2002, the Minnesota legislature enacted a [...]

1512, 2017

Divorce and Spousal Maintenance – Cash Flow Analysis

December 15, 2017|

In Minnesota, Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) is based upon need, and not the equalization of cash flow (equalizing monthly cash flow is not required or even addressed by Minnesota Statue 518.552).  Unlike Child Support, Spousal Maintenance does not provide the parties with a basic formula to determine if (and for what [...]

911, 2017

Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) and Cash Flow – No Need to Equalize

November 9, 2017|

In Minnesota, Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) is based upon need, and not the equalization of cash flow or income.  The 2017 Curtis v. Curtis decision from the Minnesota Supreme Court stated that "need" is the first step in analyzing spousal maintenance.  Some divorce lawyers like to equalize cash flow, which is [...]

911, 2017

Domestic Violence, Divorce and Parenting Time

November 9, 2017|

October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Under Minn. Stat. 518B.01 Domestic Abuse Act, domestic abuse “means the following, if committed against a family or household member by a family or household member: (1) Physical harm, bodily injury, or assault; (2) The infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, [...]

2410, 2017

Custody, Parenting Time and A Child’s Preference

October 24, 2017|

Minnesota determines custody and parenting time of a child using a standard that decides what custody or parenting time arrangement is in the best interests of the child. Minn. Stat. §518.17 (2017). This blog post will focus on the third factor, “the reasonable preference of the child, if the court [...]

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We represent clients throughout the Minneapolis area in Divorce, Financial Issues, Child Custody, Child Support, Parenting Time, Property and Asset Division, Spousal Maintenance and more!

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