Family Law Updates

Family Law Updates
2410, 2016

Child Custody in the Wake of Domestic Violence

October 24, 2016|Family Law Updates|

In many cases, parents will agree to joint legal custody, in which decisions regarding the children are decided by both parents together in a co-parenting type of environment, and sole physical custody, wherein the children primarily live with one parent for purposes of school and some form of unity. However, many parents are learning how to work with a joint physical custody agreement as well.

1409, 2016

Custody and the School Year-Difference Between Legal and Physical Custody in MN

September 14, 2016|Family Law Updates|

With another new school year beginning, we frequently receive questions about how custody is determined with the ever changing schedules of school aged children.  There is a difference between legal custody and physical custody and we will outline both in this blog.  Minnesota Statutes section 518.003 defines “legal custody” as [...]

2306, 2016

Mitigating Tax Liability in Divorce

June 23, 2016|Family Law Updates|

Divorce can be emotional, confusing and sometimes expensive.  During a divorce proceeding, any advice to save money, protect cash flow or mitigate tax liability is welcomed by a client. Fortunately, there are ways to address financial issues and mitigate taxes to help offset the existence of other new expenses.  You [...]

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We represent clients throughout the Minneapolis area in Divorce, Financial Issues, Child Custody, Child Support, Parenting Time, Property and Asset Division, Spousal Maintenance and more!

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