Minneapolis divorce attorneys

1003, 2021

Reconsidering Family Finances in COVID-19

March 10, 2021|

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we watched the unemployment rate skyrocket while the market crashed. While the economy is moving to a more stable place today, most families are still experiencing financial difficulties in their everyday lives. In fact, the Pew Research Center reports that 43% of families [...]

210, 2019

Minnesota Divorce Topic – Equitably Dividing Assets and Debts

October 2, 2019|

Financial issues are often a sticking point during divorce.  Not only can valuing and dividing assets become a point of contention, but allocating debt can also be a major concern.  In Minnesota Divorce cases, the division of Assets and Debts does not need to be mathematically equal, and you are [...]

1002, 2019

Minnesota Divorce Issues – Depletion and Dissipation of Assets

February 10, 2019|

Although Depletion and Dissipation of property carry different meanings, in Minnesota divorce cases the terms are sometimes used synonymously by the Court.  Dissipation is defined by Minnesota case law as "wasting or expending funds foolishly." Volesky v. Volesky, 412 N.W.2d 750 (Minn. Ct. App. 1987).  Spouses have a fiduciary duty [...]

2403, 2018

Abuse of Discretion in Minnesota – An Overview

March 24, 2018|

  In cases that involve divorces, the district court is awarded broad discretion to the division of property, award of maintenance, custody determination and child support. Rutten v. Rutten, 347 N.W.2d 47, 50 (Minn. 1984). The district court’s conclusions must be clearly erroneous given the facts on the record before [...]

501, 2018

Minnesota Divorce and Property Division – Equitable vs. Equal.

January 5, 2018|

Equitable does not necessarily mean equal (check Black's Law Dictionary).  In Minnesota Divorce cases, the division of Assets and Debts does not need to be mathematically equal, and you are not entitled, under Minnesota law, to "exactly half ."  Minnesota Statute 518.58, subd. 1, states that the District Court is required [...]

1512, 2017

Divorce and Spousal Maintenance – Cash Flow Analysis

December 15, 2017|

In Minnesota, Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) is based upon need, and not the equalization of cash flow (equalizing monthly cash flow is not required or even addressed by Minnesota Statue 518.552).  Unlike Child Support, Spousal Maintenance does not provide the parties with a basic formula to determine if (and for what [...]

2410, 2017

The Enforceability of Mediated Settlement Agreements During Divorce

October 24, 2017|

Many people wonder (including attorneys and mediators), are mediated settlement agreements enforceable? Well, that depends on the situation. In a recent case, Tornstrom v. Tornstrom, 887 N.W.2d 680 (Minn. Ct. App. 2016) the court determined that a mediated settlement agreement was enforceable. Again, in an unpublished case, Burke v. Burke, [...]

1902, 2016

Child Support and Taxes: 5 Essential Rules

February 19, 2016|

Tax season is upon us. During this time of year, we often focus on things like deductions and taxable income, and how we can maximize our tax credits and deductions to obtain the largest benefit from the IRS. When reviewing tax laws, attorneys and parties going through the legal process [...]

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We represent clients throughout the Minneapolis area in Divorce, Financial Issues, Child Custody, Child Support, Parenting Time, Property and Asset Division, Spousal Maintenance and more!

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