Minnesota Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) Trends During Divorce
The recent Minnesota Court of Appeals decision in Curtis v. Curtis affirmed the decision of the trial court (which required a spouse to liquidate an award of property and assets to meet post-divorce expenses and monthly budget). The Minnesota Supreme Court will hear the case and will issue their decision [...]
Top Minnesota Divorce Issues – How are Assets and Debts Divided During A Divorce?
In Minnesota Divorce cases, the division of Assets and Debts does not need to be mathematically equal, and you are not entitled, under Minnesota law, to "half of your half." Minnesota Statute 518.58, subd. 1, states that the District Court is required to make a "just and equitable" division of [...]
Minnesota Divorce and Property Division – Will You Receive Exactly Half?
In Minnesota Divorce cases, you are not necessarily entitled to one-half of the marital assets. Instead, Minnesota law requires an "equitable division" of assets and debts (and this is quite often something other than 50:50). In many Divorce cases, the parties simply agree to equally divide the assets and debts. [...]