Spousal Maintenance, Retirement and an Obligation to Work
This blog will cover two topics. The first topic is the question of what happens if the payor of spousal maintenance retires? The second topic is a question about whether or not a recipient of spousal maintenance has an obligation to work to try to increase his or her income. [...]
Top Minnesota Divorce Issues – Spousal Maintenance and Income Imputation
During a Minnesota divorce proceeding, the Court may order that one spouse pay spousal maintenance to the other spouse. An award of spousal maintenance is based upon need, and the primary reason for spousal maintenance is to provide cash flow to a spouse in order to approximate the marital standard [...]
The Most Exciting Divorce and Custody Case of the Year
We already know celebrities are nothing like us. They have homes all over the world, travel to exotic lands for a weekend getaway, and have other perks that go along with celebrity status. . At least, that is the perception we have. However, when push comes to shove, celebrities still [...]
Custody and the School Year-Difference Between Legal and Physical Custody in MN
With another new school year beginning, we frequently receive questions about how custody is determined with the ever changing schedules of school aged children. There is a difference between legal custody and physical custody and we will outline both in this blog. Minnesota Statutes section 518.003 defines “legal custody” as [...]