Spousal Maintenance, Retirement and an Obligation to Work
This blog will cover two topics. The first topic is the question of what happens if the payor of spousal maintenance retires? The second topic is a question about whether or not a recipient of spousal maintenance has an obligation to work to try to increase his or her income. [...]
The Rebuttable Presumption – Parenting Time in Minnesota
Rebuttable Presumption of 25% Parenting Time Starting in 2007, Minnesota’s parenting time statute has included a rebuttable presumption that a parent is entitled to 25% parenting time under Minn. Stat. §518.175 subd. 1(g) (2016). Minn. Stat. §518.175 subd. 1(g) can be broken down into four sections: the absence of evidence, [...]
Non-Marital Tracing and Minnesota Divorce – An Overview
Under Minnesota law, all property, real or personal acquired either jointly or individually during a marriage is presumed to be marital property under Minn. Stat. §518.003 subd. 3b. Non-marital property is defined by the statute as “property real or personal, acquired by either spouse before, during, or after the existence [...]
Minnesota Adoption, Child Custody and Support
You and your spouse made a decision as a couple and parents to adopt a child and provide that child all the love he or she (or any child) deserves. And for a while, you made a beautiful, loving family. However, as we have learned time and again, marriages do [...]