Family Law Updates

106, 2020

We’ve Implemented Zoom and Phone Consultations

June 1, 2020|

Lake Harriet Law is open and taking a new approach to initial consultations with new clients.  Due to COVID-19, our firm has been working remotely since mid-March.  We are now back at the office, but are not currently having any new or current clients come into the office for your [...]

3005, 2020

The Correlation between COVID-19 and Divorce Cases

May 30, 2020|

According to Johns Hopkins University, over 12 million people have been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, commonly known as the coronavirus. The United States has seen the largest jump in cases, currently reporting over 3 million positive tests. The pandemic is impacting every area of life, from the economy to how to [...]

2003, 2020

Financial Well-Being Amid The COVID-19 Crisis

March 20, 2020|

The COVID-19 crisis has sparked anxiety worldwide, leaving people to feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty of the future. Not only is this a health crisis, but it is also an economic crisis and many people may have questions on how to protect assets and maintain or increase their cash position. [...]

1903, 2020

Children Home From School and Online Learning due to COVID-19

March 19, 2020|

With the recent current events surrounding COVID-19, schools across the United States have closed and transitioned to online learning.  The closures are an attempt to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, but they have created challenges for local educators, most of whom are working exclusively online [...]

1903, 2020

Changes to the Minnesota Judicial Branch During Times of Social Distancing

March 19, 2020|

In conjunction with Governor Tim Walz’s declaration of emergency and the Minnesota Department of Health’s urgent request to practice social distancing, Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice, Lori S. Gildea, issued a judicial order outlining changes for the Minnesota Judicial Branch.[1] As of March 16, 2020, cases pending before the Minnesota [...]

1803, 2020

Finding Peace During Social Distancing

March 18, 2020|

Within weeks the international landscape has turned our worlds upside down. Adjusting to any life change requires time and patience, but the COVID-19 crisis isn’t an experience anyone thought would occur, let alone require life changes. Trying to cope during a time where many people spend their time working, entertaining [...]

2002, 2020

Post-Decree Issues – Modifying a Spousal Maintenance Award

February 20, 2020|

Spousal maintenance, also known as “alimony,” is an award of financial support one party (“obligor”) temporarily or permanently provides to the other party (“obligee”) for a mutually agreed-upon or court-ordered amount. A Minnesota court may grant an award upon finding that the obligee is without enough property or financial resources [...]

1201, 2020

Minnesota Divorce and Disproportionate Divisions of Property

January 12, 2020|

Property division can be a tricky part of your divorce and sometimes can become a point of contention between the parties.  This is why, generally, property divisions are supposed to be equitable so that each party receives a fair amount in the division.  There are two categories of property in [...]

1001, 2020

Valentine Proposal? Time to Consider an Antenuptial (Prenuptial) Agreement

January 10, 2020|

The last thing anyone who is newly engaged wants to think about is divorce. You are feeling high from the joy of planning your life with the one you love – bringing legal papers and provisions into it can dampen the mood. While we don’t suggest handing prenuptial papers to [...]

601, 2020

Benefits of Counseling During and After Divorce

January 6, 2020|

The effects of divorce are like those of other significant life-changing events, including natural disasters, illnesses, and serious accidents.[1] The stages of grief-denial, pain and uncertainty, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance-are normal and typical experiences during the divorce process.[2] Whether or not divorce is amicable or includes children or property, [...]

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We represent clients throughout the Minneapolis area in Divorce, Financial Issues, Child Custody, Child Support, Parenting Time, Property and Asset Division, Spousal Maintenance and more!

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