Maurer v Maurer and Tax Issues During Divorce
Under Minnesota law, the division of property during a divorce must be equitable. Minn. Stat. §518.58 (2016). All property at the time of divorce is presumed to be marital property, this means that it is the challengers burden to prove that the property is nonmarital according to Minn. Stat. §518.003 [...]
Minnesota Adoption, Child Custody and Support
You and your spouse made a decision as a couple and parents to adopt a child and provide that child all the love he or she (or any child) deserves. And for a while, you made a beautiful, loving family. However, as we have learned time and again, marriages do [...]
Life After Divorce With Children
In today’s society, people are able to relocate easily for many different reasons such as economic, educational, and career opportunities. Any residential move no matter how close (60 miles) or how far (1,000 miles) will impact parties’ custodial arrangements along with relationships with the child. After a separation or divorce, [...]
When It Is Time to Leave a Marriage
No one enters a marriage thinking that it will end. Many people ignore the signs that it is time to leave for many years before admitting that it is necessary. Still, it is important to know when it is time to admit that your marriage is not working and cannot [...]
Let’s Talk About Marriage
As a family law firm, we spend a lot of time discussing divorce and everything it entails. However, without marriage, there would be no divorce, and as a result, no use for us and our services. The idea of marriage is beautiful. In today’s world, there are still many people [...]
Divorce Topics – When It’s Time to File a Family Law Appeal
No one gets married and expects to find themselves going through a divorce. It affects everyone involved: the spouses, children, and can even affect extended family, like parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. It is an extremely emotional time when people are choosing a new direction for their lives and the [...]
You Won the Super Bowl Block Pool: How Does that Affect your Divorce Settlement?
The truth is, if you are currently married, money that you earn during the marriage can be considered marital property. This, of course, applies to those without a prenuptial agreement. There are exceptions to this rule, much like any rule of law. However, it is up to you and your [...]
Congrats on Your Engagement: Where’s the Prenup?
The holiday season is the busiest time of year. Families are getting together, shopping, and eating to celebrate life, love, and happiness. It is one of the busiest engagement seasons of the year (maybe tied with Valentine’s Day). Whether you get caught up in a moment of excitement and spontaneously [...]
The Most Exciting Divorce and Custody Case of the Year
We already know celebrities are nothing like us. They have homes all over the world, travel to exotic lands for a weekend getaway, and have other perks that go along with celebrity status. . At least, that is the perception we have. However, when push comes to shove, celebrities still [...]
The ABCs of Divorce
In Minnesota, a marriage is a civil contract between two persons, which have the capability in law of contracting, and meets the requirements of a valid marriage (examples: marriage license, two witnesses, conducted by someone who is authorized to do so under the law). Minn. Stat. §517.01. This contract or [...]