Your Divorce Checklist
So, you’ve decided this is it. You’re finally going to do it. Before you go through with a divorce, here is a checklist of things you should be aware of to help yourself be prepared for the process. First Steps Gather documents! Divorce involves a LOT of paperwork. Some people [...]
Congratulations to Taylor Blatchford on her new law clerk job with Judge Tracy Perzel!
Taylor Blatchford worked as a Student Attorney at Lake Harriet Law Office during her 1L, 2L and 3L years of law school. Taylor graduated from Mitchell Hamline School of Law in June, 2021. Prior to attending law school, she earned a B.A. in Communication Studies and Criminal Justice from Iowa [...]
How to Make Shared Holidays Fun for Kids
Let’s face it, the holidays are stressful. If you are a divorced parent, you may have the added pressure of trying to figure out how to share your children for the holidays, while making it fun and memorable for everyone. But know it can be done with a little planning [...]
Top Minnesota Divorce Issues – Spousal Maintenance and Income Imputation
During a Minnesota divorce proceeding, the Court may order that one spouse pay spousal maintenance to the other spouse. An award of spousal maintenance is based upon need, and the primary reason for spousal maintenance is to provide cash flow to a spouse in order to approximate the marital standard [...]
Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) Trends and the Curtis decision
The June 22, 2015 decision by the Minnesota Court of Appeals in Curtis v. Curtis affirmed the decision of the trial court (which required a spouse to liquidate an award of property and assets to meet post-decree expenses). In Minnesota, Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) is based upon need, and contrary to [...]
Top Minnesota Divorce Issues – How are Assets and Debts Divided During A Divorce?
In Minnesota Divorce cases, the division of Assets and Debts does not need to be mathematically equal, and you are not entitled, under Minnesota law, to "half of your half." Minnesota Statute 518.58, subd. 1, states that the District Court is required to make a "just and equitable" division of [...]
Top Issues – Minnesota Divorce and Spousal Maintenance
Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) in MinnesotaSpousal Maintenance (also referred to as "Alimony") is an area that is frequently misunderstood, and is often litigated. Equalizing "cash flow" or available income is not required by Minnesota Statue 518.552, as an award of Spousal Maintenance is based on need. Spousal Maintenance, unlike Child [...]
Family Court In Minnesota – Twin Cities – Edina
Across the Twin Cities, Family Court provides an environment for parties to address legal issues that involve important matters such as Divorce, Child Custody and Support, Parenting Time, Property and Asset Division and Spousal Maintenance (Alimony). Family Court can be intimidating at times; there are complex Family Law rules and [...]
Minnesota Divorce and Spousal Maintenance
In Minnesota Divorce cases, Spousal Maintenance (also referred to as "Alimony") is a topic that is often misunderstood, frequently litigated at the District Court level, and is often appealed to the Minnesota Court Of Appeals. Spousal Maintenance, unlike Child Support, does not provide the parties with a basic formula to [...]