Benefits of Counseling During and After Divorce
The effects of divorce are like those of other significant life-changing events, including natural disasters, illnesses, and serious accidents.[1] The stages of grief-denial, pain and uncertainty, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance-are normal and typical experiences during the divorce process.[2] Whether or not divorce is amicable or includes children or property, [...]
The Use of Mediation to Address Summer Parenting-Time Issues
All parents face challenges over the summer, but when you are in the middle of a divorce, parenting-time issues are bound to arise. Both parents typically want to have the children for as much time during the summer as possible. The problem is, your kids can’t be in two places [...]
The 2018 Celebrity Breakup List is In
Every day, it seems there is a new A-list couple splitting up. But regardless of how rich and famous you are, no breakup is easy. Here is a list of 12 unlucky-in-love couples who know all too well how difficult a separation between the stars can be. […]
4 Steps to Secure Your Emotional Well-being During a Divorce
There is a reason divorce always ranks among the top two stressors. The only stressor that tops divorce is the death of a loved one. Divorce is a type of death itself. Like any death, survivors go through a grieving process. This emotionally-charged process requires individuals to take time out [...]
6 Tips for Getting Through a Divorce
Every divorce and circumstance is different, but one aspect is true for all couples: Divorce is difficult. Even when a marriage ends amicably, it is a significant change for you, your family, friends, and finances. To find your way to the other side of divorce is not an easy road, [...]
Top Minnesota Divorce Issues – Spousal Maintenance and Income Imputation
During a Minnesota divorce proceeding, the Court may order that one spouse pay spousal maintenance to the other spouse. An award of spousal maintenance is based upon need, and the primary reason for spousal maintenance is to provide cash flow to a spouse in order to approximate the marital standard [...]
Minnesota Divorce and Property Division – What Does Equitable Division Mean?
In Minnesota, the division of assets and debts in a Divorce does not need to be mathematically equal, as addressed in Johns v. Johns, 354 N.W.2d 564, 566 (Minn. Ct. App. 1984). Equitable does not necessarily mean equal. In most long-term marriages, however, an equal division is deemed appropriate (see [...]